Sites to help you find books similar to your favorite book:
Type in your favorite book and search. Once you find it, click on the title and Read-Alikes will populate on the right side of the page.
Use the search bar on the top right to type in the book you recently finished to find similar ones to read. Personalized recommendations of books similar to popular titles will then be listed. Note: Books on different maturity and age levels are on this site.
Enter a book you like and the site will analyze their huge database of real readers' favorite books to provide book recommendations and suggestions for what to read next.
Note: This site contains books on a variety of maturity and age levels. Use school email to log in... |
Includes titles which are appealing to both middle AND high school students. Type in the title of your favorite book and search. Once you see it, click on the title. Then look on the left and click on Similar To....underneath Readers Enjoyed.
Log in on the top right side and find all the books in our DMS library catalog collection.
Download the MackinVIA app below to read/listen to our eBooks offline. Email Mrs. Papiano if you need assistance: [email protected] |